Make the most of class time by taking notes and ensuring that you have a complete understanding of what your teacher is explaining to you. Distractions, staggered lockdowns and limited class time in 2021 may have had a negative impact on your access to teachers and other students. You can access online lessons with top South African teachers via SubjeX and take notes during those extra lessons too! While studying, always review your class notes, identify explanations you might have forgotten about and hit re-fresh!
A time, and a place
Most candidates can identify their most productive time for studying. You might be fresh and alert at 4am, while others prefer studying for matric finals at 11pm. The problem with this, is that you might not always have access to information or explanations from teachers. What if you could have your own Mathematics teacher talking you through Hyperbolas and Equations at 2am? You can get access to some of South Africa’s best teachers in the comfort of your bedroom with IEB and DBE online lessons in South Africa.
Set up a little study nook or nest when studying for your finals. Your study area should contain your study timetable, access to all your learning materials and a very comfortable chair to ensure that you’re able to spend more time at your desk. Don’t forget the snacks and coffee!
Review & revise
According to the “Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve Principle” scientific study, we forget 70% of what we have learned within 24 hours. For this reason, revision is absolutely crucial, in order to increase data retention and comprehension. Get online matric revisions for South African students right here. The more you understand your work, the less it becomes easy to forget.
Pace yourself
Don’t try to cram all your study material into the last two weeks. Create a comprehensive timetable that allows for the activities you enjoy such as sports, socialising, gaming or watching movies. The more realistic you are with your study schedule, the more likely you are to stay motivated and adhere to your goals.
Discover your learning style
Some students are auditory learners, others prefer tactile learning, etc. There are a recognized set of seven different learning abilities. If you’re an auditory learner, you will prefer to learn by listening – so try reading your notes out loud, or listen to online matric lessons here. Similarly, a visual learner prefers learning by seeing, such as watching teachers or using colours in their notes to help remember facts. These learners will benefit from watching teachers give matric lessons online with SubjeX.
Look after yourself
You’ll perform better and retain more information if your body is healthy and well-rested. Eat nutritious foods and balanced meals high in vitamins and minerals. Eat plenty of proteins and even take supplements if necessary. Get enough sleep, stay hydrated and ensure that you are still taking time to do the things that you enjoy.
Most candidates feel pressure, stress and anxiety during year-end examinations in South Africa. They report that contributing factors include: concerns about their results; inability to absorb and understand what they’re studying; feeling unprepared and not being able to recall information previously processed. Against this backdrop, we’ve identified five proven tips to help NSC candidates with their study and general preparation for finals (2021 Curriculum).
Know yourself
Before even planning your study schedule, you need to do some realistic self-reflection. How long can you stay seated at a desk? How much sleep do you need? What distractions are you facing as challenges, and are you disciplined enough to follow your schedule without faltering? If you create realistic expectations for yourself, you’ll be able to meet your goals without feeling demotivated over disappointments.
Map it out
If you think that you need six weeks to study for your NSC finals, then we recommend adding another two weeks to that. In your daily timetable, include study breaks and snack times – and add in the regular rewards (be specific!) you will earn when you meet each target. Ensure that your timetable allows time for revisions. Print your timetable and share it with your friends and family as studies show that this helps to keep you accountable.
Get a buddy
The final stage of an NSC qualification can feel like a lonely experience for many candidates. Your siblings and family aren’t going through the same pressure and anxiety, which may make the weight on your shoulders even heavier. We recommend having a ‘study buddy’, with whom you can interact, someone who will help keep you motivated and focused. Study buddies are also great for testing each other on work and to get a feel of your progress as you prepare for finals.
Revision, revision, revision
Candidates need to revise work that they have done throughout the year. Revision helps you to remember facts and figures as well as topics and methodologies. Revision is the best tactic to reduce anxiety and increase your confidence for finals. Online lessons have proven helpful for thousands of South African NSC candidates.
Extra lessons
The classroom is filled with distractions. Imagine being able to go back in time and re-visit a specific Geometry lesson... A distant History discussion… A specific Physics lesson… Do you find yourslef wishing that you had paid better attention when they covered Newton’s Laws of Motion? Well, your time machine has finally arrived. SubjeX offers hundreds of pre-recorded online lessons on over twenty-one subjects – in both the IEB and DBE curriculums. Pricing starts at a very generous R350 for eight subjects, with up to forty lessons per subject. Imagine yourself pausing, rewinding, re-watching and enjoying unlimited access to quality teachers and lessons any time of the day.
Lastly, we urge NSC candidates to take care of their mental and physical health. Eating nutritious foods, staying hydrated, enjoying some exercise and talking to friends, family and educators for guidance and support… these are indispensable allies along the road to academic success!
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